My Profile

         I am graduator of Ivanovo Power University majoring in Computer Science and Operating Systems.

Hobbies & Interests: I am interested in computers, electronics, programming, controlling devises and other "Hi Tech" stuff. In programming I work with:

- Delphi, Turbo Pascal (used to), Visual Basic;

- 1C accounting program (developing new modules, configuration setting);

- Web source (site/portal) developing using HTML, CGI, PHP, Perl, MySQL, Java Script, Basic Script

- Graphic editors: PhotoShop (didn't have a chance to try vector graphics)

- Video editor: Adobe Premiere

- Etc.

Some of my other "talents":

- Thanks to my major in System Administration I'm pretty good at industrial controllers, SCADA systems etc

- Handy with heat gun (used to take lots of interest in radio electronics)

- Fluent conversational English (7 months in States helped : )

- Etc etc etc

Dreams & Goals:

I will do my best to gain success and reputation of a real professional in my field, as I am sure that only such people are always in demand and paid well.

Personality traits

- responsible, focused, industrious. Having the right goal and stimulus I will spare neither money nor effort to achieve that goal

- friendly, easygoing, polite

- appreciate comments and advice on my work - that helps me to correct the mistakes and achieve better result

- appreciate beauty and style in everything

- trying not to miss the opportunity to work and communicate with energetic, business minded professionals to learn from them

- do not smoke, nor drink

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