Portfolio Here I`ll try to describe my most interesting projects. Most of them are Internet sites and Web programming. I can find some Windows projects оn http://ecn.narod.ru
- Каталог музыки ИнтерТВ (создан март 2005) Полнофункциональный каталог музыки. Собраны и постоянно обновляются самые популярные отечественные и зарубежные альбомы. Предусмотрены сортировки, поиск, различные выборки, рейтинги, страница новостей. Предусмотрен механизм покупки композиций, со списыванием денежных средст со счета компании ИнтерТВ. Для администрирования проекта создано Windows приложение, позволяющее удаленно изменять базу каталога. Сейчас доступ к сайту возможен только абонентам сети ИнтерТВ.
- Персональная Web страничка шеф повара (создан март 2003) Просто симпатичная персональная Web страничка шеф повара
- Web страничка фирмы ""Энтэр" - салон компьютерной техники в г. Иваново (создан февраль 2003) Web представительство магазина компьютерной техники "Энтэр" в г. Иваново. Реализованы навигация, поиск в базе предложений, функция сборки пользовательской конфигурации компьбрета. Администрирование сайта ведется on-line. Обновление прайслистов выполняется автоматически путем конвертации файла Excel в базу сайта.
- Web страничка нашей фирмы "ЭлектроЦентрНаладка" в г. Иваново (создан январь 2003) Сраничка нашей фирмы. На ней размещена информация о нашей работе, а также разработанном программном обеспечении. Все последние обновления, demo версии.
Web portal for "Arcos" ltd., wholesale and retail cosmetic company (was developed in May 2001) I believe one of my most advanced works: site is completely dynamic; I used PHP and my SQL in developing it. Updating and editing of all pages: news, product list (about 10 000 items), guest book, special offers, contents - can be accessed on-line by password at administration page. There is a possibility to use search engine while working with product list; information is hierarchically structured. You can sort the search results by price, manufacturer, and the name of the item. Updating of the information can be done through 1C accounting program in a few seconds. The project cost the customer less than $100 - I believe that it's a great deal for any company, which would like to have the high standard Internet portal.
Site for "Makon Textile" ltd.,
company manufacturing and selling uniforms and fabrics
It is a very basic site (as I call it "site for the night") with simple design, static, + guest book, standard structure. But what is most important it works well and informs the customers and company partners about the latest changes in price and the newest items. The price of the project (under $50) is a good advantage to consider for any manager interested in representing their company on the WWW.
Project Ivanovo-on-line is
the commercial and informational portal of Ivanovo city Web project was created for WebConstructor company where I worked for some time. Its purpose was to inform the customers about companies, service, price range in our town, give the news and useful hints. Site was dynamic (php + mySQL). As I had to leave the country for 4 months I don't know the address of the site and its fate.
Project PCMarket is
an office and computer products web resource available in Ivanovo It was developed on my own initiative while studying Perl +SSI. It was supposed to be a commercial-informational resource with search engine to help customers access the database of computer and office service and products in Ivanovo. Unfortunately the project didn't turn out to be as successful as I thought (you can learn about it on the 1st page of the site).
Web pages for Camp America were created as ads with pure commercial purpose of earning $30 per web page - not bad
Project Gavrilovs` Family history - the name tells for itself. It was developed as an integration of applets on Delphi and dynamic HTML pages. All the information and effects are based on HTML and the sound, video and event connection are on Delphi. |